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Why You Should Invest in Experiences over Things: The Case for Living in the Moment

We all love to buy material possessions such as new gadgets, designer clothes, and luxury cars, but do they really bring us happiness in the long run? The idea of investing in experiences over things has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The shift in mindset has come about because studies have shown that people who prioritize experiences are happier and lead more fulfilling lives. In this article, we’ll explore why investing in experiences is a better investment for your overall well-being.

Experiences Provide Lasting Memories

When you buy a new phone, it’s exciting for a few days, but the novelty quickly wears off. However, when you invest in experiences like traveling with friends or attending a concert, you create memories that will last a lifetime. These memories can be cherished and reminisced about whenever we need a pick-me-up. Moreover, experiences are unique, whereas material possessions are usually just a replica of an existing product. The memories of your experiences will stand out, and no one can take them away from you.

Experiences Foster Personal Growth

Another advantage of investing in experiences over things is that it fosters personal growth. When we engage in new activities, we are forced out of our comfort zones, and this helps us develop important life skills that benefit us in the long run. For example, if you try skydiving, you’ll learn to trust yourself and face your fears. This translates into other areas of your life, making you stronger and more confident. In contrast, buying material possessions doesn’t provide you with the same opportunity for personal growth because it’s purely transactional.

Experiences Create Social Connections

When we invest in experiences, we get to share them with others, which creates social connections. Going on vacation with friends or taking a cooking class with your partner are experiences that allow you to bond and create memories together. What’s more, experiencing new things with others creates a shared experience and helps to deepen relationships. Such shared experiences help in making new friends and building a sense of community. In contrast, material possessions are usually enjoyed alone, and they don’t foster the same level of connection with others.

Experiences Make Us Happier

The most important reason to invest in experiences over things is that experiences make us happier. This is supported by research that suggests that people tend to derive more happiness from experiences than from buying material possessions. The reason for this is that experiences are rooted in the present moment, whereas material possessions are more fleeting. Moreover, the anticipation of an experience brings its own kind of satisfaction. This means that we get double the enjoyment from an experience: one during the anticipation and another during the actual experience. The actual experience is very important in that it can provide us with excitement, joy, and a sense of fulfillment that material possessions cannot.

Tips for Investing in Experiences

If you’re convinced that investing in experiences is a better investment for your overall well-being, here are some tips to help you get started:

Plan Ahead

When it comes to planning for experiences, it’s essential to plan ahead. Research shows that the anticipation of an experience brings about half of the overall happiness that we derive from it. Therefore, planning ahead allows us to look forward to our experiences for longer, increasing our overall happiness.

Make Time for Experiences

Another essential tip when it comes to investing in experiences is to make time for them. Life can get busy, and it’s easy to put off experiences. However, significant life experiences require time commitment and a willingness to invest. Start by prioritizing activities that are fun and meaningful to you. This could mean learning dance moves, going on hikes or meeting new people. Use your free time to do something that makes you happy and go to new places to explore what the world has to offer.

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can help you derive more happiness from your experiences. Before you embark on an experience, take a moment to appreciate and acknowledge what you’re about to do. After the experience, take some time to reflect on the good times and gratitude towards yourself for trying something new.


Investing in experiences is a better investment for overall happiness and well-being compared to buying material possessions. Experiences foster personal growth, create memories that last a lifetime, and create social connections that lead to deep relationships. Moreover, experiences provide a sense of fulfillment that material possessions can’t provide. By focusing on experiences, you will be investing in yourself, create lasting memories and have a fulfilling life, which is something to be proud of.

Emily Collins


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